Flea Removal Services in Your Area
Understanding Fleas & Ticks: What You Need to Know

Though many people feel fleas and ticks cause problems that only pet owners have to contend with, the truth is that any indoor or outdoor space can become infested with fleas and ticks. They live in large populations and are in the constant search of hosts to feed on. Both ticks and fleas can only complete their life cycle when environmental conditions are just right and when they have access to blood meals. Blood is the sole source of food for both fleas and ticks.
Fleas are insects and live much shorter lives, two to three months, and spend their life feeding on an animal host. People are not the flea's preferred host; they typically only bite us in the case of a large infestation or if animal hosts are not available.
Ticks are arachnids and they go through a four-stage life cycle consisting of egg, larva, nymph, and adult. Depending on the species, it can take a tick three years to develop into an adult. Each new life-stage requires a blood meal from a new host.
The Dangers of Fleas & Ticks: Protect Your Home
Fleas and ticks both pose health risks to people. Ticks spread diseases through their saliva during the feeding process. Ticks latch onto and bury their heads into a host, feeding until they are full – a process that takes days or longer. This slow feeding process allows plenty of time for a tick carrying a disease to pass it along to their host.
People allergic to flea saliva often develop an itchy skin reaction around the bite sites. Flea allergy dermatitis is a common problem for both people and our pets. Intense itching at the bite site can lead to a secondary infection. Also, fleas are intermediate hosts for parasitic tapeworms that they can transmit to people and our pets.
Why Do I Have a Flea & Tick Problem?
The ticks causing the most problems for people in the San Diego County area are the Western black-legged tick, American dog tick, and brown dog tick. Most ticks are outdoor pests as they are unable to complete their life cycle indoors. On the other hand, fleas are a problem for people outside in our yards and inside our homes. Just a few fleas finding a way inside can lead to a full-blown infestation in a very short period.
Where Will I Find Fleas & Ticks?
Fleas use their strong back legs to jump from the ground onto a host. They also use their jumping abilities to move out of the way of danger. You can come into contact with fleas in a variety of places in our yards like leaf piles, brush piles, piles of wood, and dirt areas under decks.
Ticks cannot jump or fly; they just have to wait in tall grass and dense vegetation for a host to happen by. People and our pets often come into contact with ticks when walking in wooded areas, and along wooded paths, fence lines, and next to the foundation of buildings.

When pests invade your home or business, you don’t need empty promises; you need proven results. At Allswell, we train our technicians to meet the highest standards set forth by the Pest Licensing Board so that you receive the service you need. We also have a 100% satisfaction guarantee, which leaves you with nothing to worry about and a pest-free home or business to enjoy.
How Do I Get Rid of Fleas & Ticks?
Fleas and ticks are difficult to prevent and eliminate. They are continually being introduced onto our properties by wild animals and neighborhood pets. Being proactive against these pests is key in protecting your family and pets from their bites.
Our experts get rid of fleas, ticks, and other pests using the industry's latest technology and highest standards. We have the experience and knowledge needed to identify and solve pest problems and prevent their return. To learn more about our flea and tick control services, contact us at Allswell and speak with one of our helpful professionals!
How Can I Prevent Fleas & Ticks in the Future?
- To rid your home of stray ticks or fleas, regularly vacuum floors and upholstered furniture.
- To make your yard less attractive to fleas and ticks, keep the grass cut short and cut back shrubs and other vegetation. Both like to hide in dark, damp areas, waiting for a host.
- Don't invite wild animals that carry fleas and ticks in their fur into your yard. Discourage their presence by removing food sources like bird feeders, pet food, and open trash containers.
- Inspect yourself and pets after spending time outside for fleas and ticks; this is especially true if you have been in wooded areas or areas with tall grass or dense vegetation.
- Place your pets on a year-round flea and tick prevention program.
Learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control services.